2020 was tough. Not only on parents but on the kids as well. With the isolation period being introduced into Victoria, Melbourne’s children were forced inside or at least home and had to endure sport from home or over zoom, rather than at school, parks, clubs and courts around the city.

This meant in 2020 so many kids missed out on crucial motor development time and general training loss. Now this might seem a little doom and gloom and it kind of is, but that doesn't mean there aren't great things to come.

In 2021 not only will kids be getting back out into the sunshine and enjoying sport again, but the government will be helping by providing incentives (financial) to parents in order to make this something thats more affordable and easy than ever.

It will be part of a $45.2 million fundings boost to get kids moving and help families with the cost of community sport.


The $21 million Get Active Kids Voucher Program will be a Victorian first and will support parents and  children to get involved in organised activities by providing $200 vouchers to help families with the cost of sports equipment, uniforms or club memberships. 

The Get Active Kids Voucher Program is scheduled to commence in early 2021 so be sure to watch this space and checkout the government website for updates.

The Victorian government say that this package is a key focus of a new strategy to get Victorian kids more active both at school, home and in the community.


We cant wait to see the positive effect this will hopefully have on Victorian & Melbourne kids as they return to sport, health, exercise & outdoor fun!

Watch this space.

Fit For Kids Co. Team