Covid-19 Procedures

In light of the current COVID-19 conditions, we have put together a list of detailed procedures that our staff and students will be adhering to over the coming months and terms.

Please see below.


COVID-19 Procedures

- Coaches will all apply sanitiser to hands and wipe down equipment prior to every class. This will also take place at the conclusion of every class.

- Students will be provided sanitiser at the start and conclusion of each class. Throughout the class students will be provided with additional sanitiser from the coach.

- Parents / Guardians must drop children at gate and cannot stay on school premises under any circumstances. This is a Victorian government stipulation and must be followed in order for us to continue to operate on school sites.

- Any coach or student experiencing flu like symptoms will NOT be able to attend and will be required to leave should they arrive or experience them during the class.

- Students will be socially distanced to the best of the coaches ability. This will be done using cones and markers to ensure social distancing is maintained as best as is physically possible given the nature of sport/play. Coaches may not be able to fully mitigate contact of students given the nature of 'sport' but will endeavour to provide a safe and socially distanced environment throughout each class. 


Fit For Kids Co Team :)


General FAQs

Here are some questions parents often have.
Please email us should you have an additional questions or concerns. 

Do you collect students from their class room for afternoon sessions?

No, we do not pick students up from their class room. Parents will need to notify their teacher and perhaps ask that their child is taken and seen to the courts. Please see our T&C's for more details. 

Do you drop students after lessons to their class rooms (in the morning)?

No, we do not drop students after class. Students are encouraged by the coaches to walk to class together. Yard duty teachers will be on campus before school begins, each school will have a different policy. Please see our T&C's.

What do students need to wear?

Students can wear school uniform. It would be best that studetnts wear appropriate footwear (runners) to school the day of their lesson.

Do students need to bring equipment?

All children doing tennis are required to bring a racquet to class. At times there may be 1-2 spare racquets in case a child forgets but it is not a garentee. All other sports do not require them to bring anything!

Do I need to stay and watch lessons?

No, parents are not required to stay for classes. They are only required to be there for afternoon pick up (4:20pm).

What if my child doesnt want to do lessons anymore?

When you sign up for term lessons, this secures your child's spot for the term. We do not give refunds for change of mind once the term has begun. Please see T&C's.

What if it rains?

Classes will still go ahead. If there is an undercover area on campus we will use this area or a designated indoor class room. Please see T&C's.

What if it is too hot?

Classes will still go ahead. An indoor room will be used at the school. 

Can my child do a trial class?

We no longer have trial classes during lesson time. We run clinics in physical education classes in each school over the year, giving students the opportunity to try out our different sports.