5 easy ways to keep kids fit and healthy during the school holidays!


The school holidays can be hard. Hard to manage, hard to keep kids entertained and certainly hard to get the kids off the couch! So with another week of holidays in front of us, we thought we would look at 5 easy ways to keep kids fit and healthy during the school holidays! 


Limit Screen time

This has never been more important for children (and parents!) to try and enforce and the holidays is the perfect time for a reset. Whilst this may not exactly be the way to win a popularity test, it's crucial to develop hobbies and activities that don't involve the kids eyes going square. This will also help prepare them for returning to school with healthy screen habits and possibly some new healthy hobbies too!


Get outside, rain hail or shine

This is what school holidays are all about! Get the kids and take them outside away from the screens, classrooms and noise of everyday life. Children learn in so many different ways and getting them outside in nature is in itself a form of learning and development for them! You could talk them to a local nature park or simply for a walk around the block. It's all about just getting outside and out of the usual routine during the holiday break!


Set Challenges 

This is a fun and exciting way for children to set mini goals and enjoy the satisfaction of achieving them. Children love to have a clear goal or challenge to work towards, so as a parent think of some ways you could do this each day! It may be setting a challenge to run a lap of a local oval or even just 100 star jumps each day. The challenge is less important than the habit building it creates within your child. You will likely find once they achieve some small steps, they will want to be challenged to a greater degree more and more! So go and set some challenges this week!


Family / Group Activities

Children love to be with their families and this can be a great way to get everyone together to show the importance of fitness and activity. By seeing carers and parents getting involved in physical activity, children will not only join in on the fun but will also see that it is important by seeing adults taking part. This is a really powerful technique of instilling the importance of lifelong exercise.


Activities don't have to just be sport

Whilst we think that all kids should be involved in a sport in some capacity, staying active doesn't just have to be about sport! Spending a day at a museum or a show where you are walking around and on you feet is a great way to stay active for those children who may not gravitate to organised sport and fitness in the same way as others. Try and find something that interests your child and get them involved in it in a way that is active and movement focused.


Did these help? We hope you and the kids have an amazing holiday break and are able to connect over healthy / active and positive hobbies! We can't wait to see everyone back at school in just under a week!

Until then, happy holidays everyone!

Fit For Kids Co.
Melbourne based kids sports coaching. 

Soccer Classes in Melbourne for 2021

Soccer is back in 2021 and we can't wait to 'Kick Off' (pardon the pun).

This year we will be looking to launch even more soccer programmes than ever before by working with schools, ELC's, councils and sports clubs to run a whole host of soccer classes & clinics. So if you have ever wanted to get your child involved in soccer then please get in touch today to find one of our classes in Melbourne.

For now, here's a great little video from Soccer Australia.



Fit For Kids Co.
A Melbourne based sports coaching brand on a mission to make accessing sport and fitness easy for all parents. 
Oakleigh, Brighton, Clayton, Clarinda, Parkdale, Hawthorn, Glen Iris.

Why 2021 will be a great year of sport for Melbourne Kids

2020 was tough. Not only on parents but on the kids as well. With the isolation period being introduced into Victoria, Melbourne’s children were forced inside or at least home and had to endure sport from home or over zoom, rather than at school, parks, clubs and courts around the city.

This meant in 2020 so many kids missed out on crucial motor development time and general training loss. Now this might seem a little doom and gloom and it kind of is, but that doesn't mean there aren't great things to come.

In 2021 not only will kids be getting back out into the sunshine and enjoying sport again, but the government will be helping by providing incentives (financial) to parents in order to make this something thats more affordable and easy than ever.

It will be part of a $45.2 million fundings boost to get kids moving and help families with the cost of community sport.


The $21 million Get Active Kids Voucher Program will be a Victorian first and will support parents and  children to get involved in organised activities by providing $200 vouchers to help families with the cost of sports equipment, uniforms or club memberships. 

The Get Active Kids Voucher Program is scheduled to commence in early 2021 so be sure to watch this space and checkout the government website for updates.

The Victorian government say that this package is a key focus of a new strategy to get Victorian kids more active both at school, home and in the community.


We cant wait to see the positive effect this will hopefully have on Victorian & Melbourne kids as they return to sport, health, exercise & outdoor fun!

Watch this space.

Fit For Kids Co. Team

The Sporting Schools Program gets further funding in Federal Budget 2020


As of the recent Australian Federal Budget (October 2020) The national sporting body Sport Australia have welcomed the Australian Government’s $39.6 million commitment for an additional calendar year of funding for the Sporting Schools program. This means that children across the country will get access to FREE Sport thanks to the government and with help from schools and sports coaching providers. 

Sport Australia Chair John Wylie said the funding will ensure even more children across Australia can get active, engaged and have fun through sport.

Sporting Schools programs are provided free to children and their families to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life,” Mr Wylie said. “Since starting in 2015, Sporting Schools has distributed $240 million in grants to more than 7,900 schools.

“We know children need 60 minutes of physical activity a day so the Sporting Schools program is a fantastic way for children to get active at school while trying a variety of different sports.”


Our Sporing Schools Program

We are proud to be part of the programme through both our Tennis Australia Hot Shot affiliation, as well as our MyGolf programme through Golf Australia.

Whilst the future is certainly a little uncertain at the moment here in Melbourne Victoria, we can't wait to get back out on the court, field, oval or stadium to play & coach once again.

To all of our patience parents and kids, we look forward to seeing you back soon!

Fit For Kids Co. 

ZoomFit Launches today

Happy barefoot


Today we launched our first ever ZoomFit Online class.

The class ran online via Zoom and was a short and sharp 25 minute class designed to get kids moving and give parents & guardians a well earned break.

The class was run by one of our senior coaches Emily who usually specialises in tennis, netball & active morning programmes during the school term. Emily is now turning her hand at our online classes and the kids had an absolute ball.

The highlight was probably the Taylor Swift Shake It Off dance off at the end!

If you are interested in finding out more about our online classes, get in touch with our friendly team today!

We will be bringing more online and interactive workouts to your living room shortly.


Watch this space.

Fit For Kids Co.
Online Kids Fitness Classes for children & parents
Fitness / Dance / Active Mornings / Yoga / Movement